TTbar leptons in CMSSW80X

The analysis/event selection of ttbar-to-leptons decay in CMSSW80X.


Just check out the repository in your CMSSW project:

cd <CMSSW_X_X_X/src>
mkdir UserCode
cd UserCode
git clone

And add all used CMSSW modules in <CMSSW_X_X_X/src>.

The list of modules:

  • UserCode/llvv_fwk from this repository: -- it's used for POG definitions (Moriond17 etc), now lepton IDs and jet IDs and corrections are used in the ntuple output
  • (it seems the rest of dependencies are CMSSW built-ins...)

Overall log of actions:

cd <CMSSW_X_X_X/src>

mkdir UserCode
cd UserCode
git clone

git clone
mv 2l2v_fwk llvv_fwk              # it was probably renamed at some moment

# now remove some not used procedures in llvv_fwk, since they require more penedencies to compile
# people use it to write analyses in the same repository with POG procedures
# some of their analyses depend on things not needed here
# at the moment (4 May 2017) I get error with
# In file included from /.../CMSSW_8_0_25/src/UserCode/llvv_fwk/src/
# .../UserCode/llvv_fwk/interface/HiggsUtils.h:23:49: fatal error: ZZMatrixElement/MELA/interface/Mela.h: No such file or directory
# the HiggsUtils are not used in ttbar-leptons-80X project (PatUtils, MacroUtils are used)
# so just remove the .cc file
mv llvv_fwk/src/ llvv_fwk/src/HiggsUtils-cc-backup

cd ttbar-leptons-80X
scram b -j 9

# and done! (it even compiled on CMSSW_8_0_26, which has "latest greatest MET filters" and I need to switch to them..)
# I'm testing if anything else is really needed
# like this stuff:
# back to src/ for more dependencies
#git cms-addpkg DataFormats/PatCandidates

alternatively you can run ./ which will install all necessary codes

CMSSW/test/arch to PATH for scripts

Also for convenience add your <CMSSW>/test/<arch> to PATH: some small utilities are in test/ directory and scram copies them to test of the CMSSW project, but usual cmsenv doesn't add this directory to PATH.

Change the cmssenv from the usual alias cmsenv='eval scramv1 runtime -sh' to

alias cmsenv='eval `scramv1 runtime -sh` && export PATH="$CMSSW_BASE/test/$SCRAM_ARCH:$PATH"'

Submition of jobs, working with data

Datasets (called "dset" throughout the jobing code) are treated in bunches called "dtag". A "dtag" contains masically the same datasets -- mainly "-ext" Monte-Carlo datasets, but also one might join several Data runs in 1 dtag. Now 1-to-1 pairs of dtag-dset are used, but the -ext MC is to come.

Jobs are named "dtag_" and produce corresponding "..root", ".json" (luminosities), ".job_done" (for control of resubmit etc).

Thus datasets in a dtag should have the same cross-sections for correct further processing.

There is a small local "database" made with which runs das_client and stores locally files of given datasets and their current location. So that one doesn't need to pull this list of files on every submition of the jobs. The "location" is the tier on which 100% of dataset files (not blocks) are present. Currently only CERN's EOS (T2_CERN_CH) is distinguished by job submition utility ( But it is easily extendable.

NTuple production

The NTuple interface is in interface/ntupleOutput.h. It is defined with list of macro, which are unpacked by preprocessor in some local namespace of your program and attached to a TTree you've provided. The comments in the ntupleOutput.h describe it better. Roughly, you use it like this in your main:

int main()
TTree NT_output_ttree("reduced_ttree", "TTree with reduced event data");
// to create branches in the new TTree:
// for attaching to existing branches define NTUPLE_INTERFACE_OPEN
// unpack the interface
#include "UserCode/ttbar-leptons-80X/interface/ntupleOutput.h"

// the code of the interface is unpacked
// now there are all the NT_branchName variable in the name space
// and their pointers are passed to branches

for (in the loop of events)
	RESET_NTUPLE_PARAMETERS // macro defaults all parameters
	NT_tauID = event[i].taus[0].pdgId();

To add new objects to the interface use this macro:

#define OBJECT_in_NTuple(NTuple, Class, Name)   Class   NT_##Name; NTuple.Branch(#Name, #Class, &NT_##Name)

as in following:

OBJECT_in_NTuple(OUTNTUPLE, Pat::Tau, tau1);

-- but ROOT needs to "know" the class to be able to add as Branch. I have not tested yet which classes pass by default. They say to add a class to root you run this:

gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>")

-- and now you can save vectors of floats/ints etc.

Also, if you add a new object, consider adding it to RESET_NTUPLE_PARAMETERS. You need to add a command which resets/clears the object for each iteration over events:

NT_myBranchNameA.clear(); \

-- unless you don't need to clear the object on for each event. (Uncleared value might get stored into the TTree.)


Just to keep it around: