
This is a demo of a custom, CLI based (for now) chatbot for Harbor Point church. It includes utilities to download sermons, transcribe them, and then answer questions about the sermons.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a demo of a custom, CLI based (for now) chatbot for Harbor Point church.

NOTE: I have no official affliation with Harbor Point and this repository is a PROOF OF CONCEPT not connected to the church directly or my employer. Don't get mad at me! I'm doing this because I love the church and it's members and find utility in using LLMs to understand God's word.

This demo includes utilities to download sermons, transcribe them, and then answer questions about the sermons.

Example of Output


First, create a virtual environment

python3.12 -m venv venv

... and activate it.

. venv/bin/activate

Then install dependencies. I have a Makefile to make this easy (pun!)

make setup

Now you need to register any model keys. For gemini (current default), use:

llm keys set gemini

Which you can get at aistudio.google.com.


I've included two sermons, so just use:

make chat

to get started.

Adding Content

Go to YouTube, find one of Jeff's sermons. Run dl.sh $URL $START_TIME $DURATION -- I usually just say "2:00:00" for the duration.

Next, run transcribe.sh (or make transcribe) which will skip anything already transcribed (at least it should).

(I haven't fully tested the Python version yet, but will likely move it into the library... or not)