
Static site generator for the Xebia Essentials cards

Primary LanguageVue

Xebia Essentials

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Build Status Stories in Ready

Xebia Essentials static site generator

This repository contains the static site generator for the Xebia Essentials, along with all the cards' content and metadata. Each page contains YAML front matter, two optional markdown sections for the front and backsites of the printed cards followed by a final markdown section that will be converted into the corresponding web page.

This results in the following layout:


Configuration is done through Gridsome's gridsome.config.js and gridsome.server.js.

Pull requests are more than welcome, see the open issues!



The content is lienced under CC BY-NC 4.0, with the exception of the images and text-content of the cards for which the copyright is maintained.

Local development


The project expects you to have NodeJS (12) and NPM 6 (lockfile v1) installed.

Install all dependencies through

npm install

Build & Serve

To locally serve the statically generated site at https://localhost:8080, and automatically rebuild when any file is changed, run from the project root directory:

npm run develop

GraphQL Playground is at https://localhost:8080/___explore.

Build the static site using

npm run build

Deploying to essentials.xebia.com