This helps in testing out jython commands that run directly in XL Deploy server. This is an easy way to learn jython API for building REST API Extensions and XL-Rules Jython Step scripting.
- XL Deploy requirements
- XL Deploy: version 4.5.2+
Build the project:
gradle build
Copy the extension to the plugins folder of your XL Deploy installation (XL*_HOME):
cp ./build/libs/xld-jytutor-plugin-1.0.0.jar $XL*_HOME/plugins
You can actually refer to this jython snippet to find out all the variables and methods exposed by jython services
from com.xebialabs.overthere import OperatingSystemFamily
from com.xebialabs.overthere.ssh import SshConnectionType
ciType = Type.valueOf("overthere.SshHost")
ci = metadataService.findDescriptor(ciType).newInstance("Infrastructure/newinfra")
ci.os = OperatingSystemFamily.UNIX
ci.connectionType = SshConnectionType.SCP
ci.address = ""
ci.username ="myuser"
ci.password = "mypass"
repositoryService.create(, ci)
appBaseFolder = "Applications/namespaces"
envBaseFolder = "Environments/k8s"
namespace = "xl2"
# Creating new Application
ciType = Type.valueOf("udm.Application")
app = metadataService.findDescriptor(ciType).newInstance("%s/%s" % (appBaseFolder, namespace))
# Creating new Deployment Package
ciType = Type.valueOf("udm.DeploymentPackage")
dp = metadataService.findDescriptor(ciType).newInstance("%s/1.0" %
# Creating new Namespace Spec
ciType = Type.valueOf("k8s.NamespaceSpec")
nsp = metadataService.findDescriptor(ciType).newInstance("%s/%s" % (, namespace))
nsp.namespaceName = namespace
ciType = Type.valueOf("udm.Environment")
env = metadataService.findDescriptor(ciType).newInstance("%s/%s" % (envBaseFolder, namespace))