
Plugin to deploy war files on jboss gears in open shift and support for OpenShift v3 on Kubernetes

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This document describes the functionality provided by the XLD OpenShift plugin.

See the XL Deploy Reference Manual for background information on XL Deploy and deployment concepts.

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This XLD OpenShift plugin supports v2 & v3 OpenShift implementations. This plugin allows you to manage the deployment of OpenShift projects, containers and resources to your OpenShift infrastructure. Additionally this plugin still supports doing WAR deployment to OpenShift JBoss gear. It uses rhc client to push to OpenShift environments.


  • Requirements
    • From version v7.x+, XLD 6.x is required.
    • Remark: version v7.x+ breaks compatibility with previous versions!
    • rhc client on target machine for OpenShift v2
    • oc client on target machine for OpenShift v3


Place the plugin xldp file into your SERVER_HOME/plugins directory. For OpenShift v3 you will also need to install the CLI utility on a server.


OpenShift v3

  • OpenShift Containers

    • openshift.Server The openshift.server represents the OpenShift server and is the container where the open shift oc commands will be exectued. The openshift.Server container object is defined as follows:

      openshift.Server extends udm.BaseContainer

      Properties Description
      host overthere.Host that contains the openshift.Server
      serverUrl URL to the OpenShift Admin Interface
      ocHome The HOME directory where the oc client is installed
      installClient If true, the oc client will be downloaded, and placed under ocHome.
      ocUrl Download url to get oc client
      skipTLS Set to true if you want to skip TLS verification
      authentication An enumeration of possible authentication types:
      • Basic
      • Token
      • Basic Alias
      • Token Alias
      username The username to authenticate to the OpenShift server
      password The password to authenticate to the OpenShift server
      openshiftToken An OpenShift token for token authentication
      credential A Custom openshift.Credential type

      Depending on the authentication method some of the properties will be required. Required properties for specific authentication methods are as follows:

      • BASIC:
        • Username
        • password
      • Token:
        • openshiftToken
      • Basic Alias:
        • credential openshift.Credential
          • Username
          • Password
      • Token Alias:
        • credential openshift.Credential
          • Token

      The openshift.Server has two control tasks that can be use to verify the configuration as follows:

      • check: This control task will log into the OpenShift server using the oc command line tool to verify connectivity to the OpenShift server.
      • showResource: This control task can be use to check on the available resources for a project. You will be expect to provide a project name to execute this control task.

      Note To install the oc client, on Unix hosts, the plugin will use wgetthat should be already installed. On Windows hosts, there are 2 options

      • use a version of wget bundled in the plugin and uploaded to perform the http request. (default option)
      • use a different wget that is already present on the path of your target systems you can simply prevent the included version from being uploaded by modifying SERVER_HOME/conf/deployit-defaults.properties as follows:
      	# Classpath Resources
      	# openshift.Server.wgetExecutable=openshift/runtime/wget.exe


      	# Classpath Resources
      	openshift.Server.wgetExecutable=[Put your path here]
    • openshift.Project An OpenShift project. The project module is defined as follows:

      openshift.Project extends udm.BaseContainer

      Properties Description
      projectName A name for the project
      description A description of this project
      projectDisplayName A human readable name for the project
  • OpenShift Provisionables

    • openshift.openshift.ProjectSpec An OpenShift project spec. The project spec is defined as follows:

      openshift.ProjectSpec extends udm.BaseProvisionable

      Properties Description
      projectName A name for the project
      description A description of this project
      projectDisplayName A human readable name for the project
  • OpenShift Deployables

    • openshift.App The OpenShift App is a container image that can be deployed from a registry. By default XLD will deploy container images from the Docker Hub, but it is possible to supply and internal URL for a local repository. The App module is defined as follows:

      openshift.App extends udm.BaseDeployable

      Properties Description
      Common --------------------------------
      appName OpenShift application name
      project OpenShift project name.
      Docker --------------------------------
      dockerUrl Docker base url to be used.
      dockerOrganization Docker organization name.
      dockerName Docker image name.
      dockerTag Docker image tag.
    • openshift.DockerPushApp The OpenShift DockerPushApp is similar to the openshift.App in that it is a container image that can be deployed from a registry. The difference is that there is a docker pull to pull it from a central repository, tag the image, and then a push operation, pushing the image into Openshift. This triggers a rolling deployment which is monitored by the plugin. The DockerPushApp module is defined as follows:

      openshift.DockerPushApp extends udm.BaseDeployable

      Properties Description
      Common ------------------------------------------
      appName OpenShift application name
      project OpenShift project name.
      Docker ------------------------------------------
      dockerUrl Docker base url to be used.
      dockerOrganization Docker organization name.
      dockerName Docker image name.
      dockerTag Docker image tag.
      pullDockerUrl Docker base url to do a 'docker pull' from.
      pullDockerOrganization Docker organization name to pull.
      pullDockerName Docker image name to pull.
      pullDockerTag Docker image tag to pull.
    • openshift.BinaryApp: An OpenShift Binary App is an actual container file that should be deployed to a OpenShift project. The Binary App module is defined as follows:

      openshift.BinaryAppModule extends udm.BaseDeployableArtifact

      Properties Description
      appName OpenShift application name
      project OpenShift project name.
      imageStream The input stream to use as the builder
    • openshift.DockerfileApp: An OpenShift Docker App is an actual Dockerfile that should be deployed to a OpenShift project. The Dockerfile app module is defined as follows:

      openshift.DockerfileAppModule extends udm.BaseDeployableArtifact

      Properties Description
      appName OpenShift application name
      project OpenShift project name.
    • openshift.ResourceModule: The resource module defines the resources availble to the project. The definition of the resources are defined in a YAML file attached to this deployable. The Resource Modules is defined as follows:

      openshift.ResourceModule extends udm.BaseDeployableArtifact

      Properties Description
      project OpenShift Project name
      resourceYml YML file defining the resources
  • OpenShift v2
