
This plugin offers an interface from XL Release to Hp/Microfocus ALM

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Build Status Codacy License: MIT Github All Releases Code Climate


This plugin offers an interface from XL Release to Hp/Microfocus ALM.

Building the plugin

./gradlew clean build

Testing the plugin

Run the following command to run a local docker container with the plugin installed.

./gradlew runDockerCompose

Per the configuration at src/test/resources/docker/docker-compose.yml, the ports are defined so you can browse the local instance at:




Server Configuration

Add a sever configuration in the XL Release Shared Configuration page for each server or login you wish to manage.


Each entry has the following configuration items in its definition:


  • Title - the name by which you will be referring to this definition in your XLR tasks and dashboard tiles.
  • URL - The URL of the HP ALM server
  • Authentication Method - None, Basic, Ntlm, PAT
  • Username
  • Password
  • Domain
  • Enable SSL Verification
  • Proxy Host
  • Proxy Port
  • Proxy Username
  • Proxy Password


Use this task to logon to a HP ALM server.


Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Username - Override the default configuration as needed
  • Password - Specify only if you are overriding the default username
Output Properties
  • Save the Authorization cookies to a variable for reuse in other tasks.


Use this task to log out of a HP ALM server.


Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Username - Override the default configuration as needed
  • Password - Specify only if you are overriding the default username


Use this task to create a new defect in HP ALM

Create Defect

Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Domain Name
  • Project Name
  • Defect Name
  • Defect Description
  • Defect Priority
  • Defect Severity
  • Authorization Cookies
Output parameters
  • Output - Task output
  • Defect ID - The ID of the newly created defect


Update an existing Defect with new information

Update Defect

Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Domain Name
  • Project Name
  • Defect Name
  • Defect Description
  • Comment
  • Status
  • Authorization Cookies
Output Properties
  • Defect ID - The ID of the newly created defect
  • Output - Task output


Retrieve an already existing Defect

Get Defect

Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Domain Name
  • Project Name
  • Defect ID
  • Authorization Cookies
Output Properties
  • Output - Task output


Delete an existing Defect DeleteDefect

Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Domain Name
  • Project Name
  • Defect ID
  • Authorization Cookies
Output Properties
  • Output - Task output


Poll the server for a change in the named defect


Input parameters
  • Server - as configured in XL Release
  • Domain Name
  • Project Name
  • Query for finding Records
  • Polling Interval - in seconds
  • Authorization Cookies

