
DEPRECATED: XLR pipeline relationship visualization and navigation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This feature has been incorporated into the main product as of XL Release 7.5.

This repository will not be maintained.

XL Release Relationship Visualization Plugin

License: MIT Build Status Codacy Badge


XL Release offers outstanding capabilities for pipeline composition and execution. This plugin extends those capabilities with the ability to visualize and navigate the relationships amongst pipelines.


  • Visualize release and template relationships in their design and runtime states.
  • Navigate to target release or template
    • Double click to view target tasks in table view.
    • Shift + Double click to go to target's relationship view.
  • Zoom with mouse wheel or toolbar controls.
  • Show/Hide release titles and relationship labels.
  • Layout
    • Automatic with direction and alignment toolbar controls
    • Manual by dragging and dropping node

Design time view


Runtime time view



  • XL Release Server 7+


Plugin can be downloaded directly from the plugin's repository on Github.

Place the plugin's jar file in the <xlr-home>/plugins directory.


When working with releases or templates, you will find an additional option called Relationships in the drop down menu. Menu

The plugin will analyse all xlrelease.CreateReleaseTask and xlrelease.GateTask tasks in the current release/template and its targets to build up the relationship graph. Currently references to release-as-code (xfile) script tasks are not supported.


This plugin is built using Node.js, Webpack and Gradle. Execute ./gradlew clean build in the project root to build.

Setup development XL Release Server

You can setup your local development XL Release Server to point to the compiled build by modifying the classpath variable, XL_RELEASE_SERVER_CLASSPATH, in <xlr-home>/bin/run.sh

Example :



Live Update

Once you've started the development XLR server, you can execute npm run watch in the project root. Now everytime you edit the source, it will be automatically compiled and your browser automatically refreshed to reflect the changes.