XL Release/Deploy Plugin Training

The intent of this repository is to give you the basic plugin structure for both XL Release and XL Deploy, as well as a simple/advanced problem for each tool. In each case, you are given a problem statement. See below for links to resources that will help you in solving the described problems.


Each plugin can be built, packaged, and delivered to the corresponding tool in the exact same fashion. You will find the following directory structure under this repository:

├── xld
│   ├── advanced
│   │   ├── gradle
│   │   │   └── wrapper
│   │   └── src
│   │       └── main
│   │           └── resources
│   │               └── scripts
│   └── simple
│       ├── gradle
│       │   └── wrapper
│       └── src
│           └── main
│               └── resources
│                   └── scripts
└── xlr
    ├── advanced
    │   ├── gradle
    │   │   └── wrapper
    │   ├── src
    │   │   └── main
    │   │       └── resources
    │   │           └── advanced
    │   └── templates
    └── simple
        ├── gradle
        │   └── wrapper
        ├── src
        │   └── main
        │       └── resources
        │           └── simple
        └── templates

There are four distinct plugins provided with this repository. The advanced & simple directories under each tool (xlr/xld) represents an independent and stand-alone plugin that can be built and delivered to your tool. So, for example, if we take the xlr/simple plugin, we will find the following inside the base directory:

build.gradle  gradle  gradlew  gradlew.bat  README.md  settings.gradle  src  templates

You can see that a Gradle wrapper is provided with each plugin. This is the mechanism that will be utilized to build and package your code. All you need to do in order to build/package is execute: ./gradlew build from the main directory of the plugin (in this case: xlr-xld-training/xlr/simple). Executing this will result in a jar file being built for you under the build/libs directory. The name of the jar file that gets created in that directory is based on the project name, which is defined in the settings.gradle file:

rootProject.name = 'xlr-training-simple-plugin'

and the version that is defined in your build.gradle file:

defaultTasks 'build'

apply plugin: 'java'


So, in this example, after running ./gradlew build from the base plugin directory, you will see the following in your build/libs directory:


Adding this plugin to your tool is as simple as copying it to the plugins directory of the tool that the plugin is intended for. For example /opt/xl-release/plugins. After copying the file to the appropriate location, simply re-start the tool, and you will see the functionality within the corresponding tool that is implemented in your plugin.

XL Release Resources

XL Deploy Resources

Plugin Resources

Git Resources