
Spring Boot API backend for the REST-o-rant demo application

Primary LanguageJava

To build

  1. Install Java 8.
  2. Modify the url and certPath properties in the docker section of the build.gradle file to point to your Docker machine.
  3. Build the image with: ./gradlew clean buildDockerImage
  • If you want to override the version of the image built, use: ./gradlew -Pversion=_VERSION_ clean buildDockerImage

To run

  1. Run the Docker image built in the previous step by executing: docker run -dP --name rest-o-rant-api dkr-reg:5000/rest-o-rant-api:v1

To access

  1. Check the port at which port 80 is exposed by running docker ps.
  2. Open http://<DOCKER>:<PORT>/.
  3. See the restaurant main page.
  4. Click the Search button.

To run with Db

  1. Add a file setenv.sh to tomcat/bin directory and append the following - JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dspring.profiles.active=withDb”
  2. Add the jndi-lookup config to conf/context.xml of tomcat server.

To run without Db

None of the configurations mentioned above are necessary.