
Port Scanner Tools coded in Python2

Primary LanguagePython

### HELLO :)
+++ Description:
Port-Scan is used to scan open Port on Target's machine
+++ Created on:
- Python2.7
- Sublime Text 3 (UNREGISTERED (I dont have money))
+++ Impact:
- The first step to hack into a System :)
- Help You to targeting more things on Your victim's machine
### version 1.0:
+++ Feature
- Easy to use
- Scan Speed --> 0.2 ms / port (5 port/second)
+++ Deficiency / Bad News...
- If You find some, please tell me :)
  this Tools is on the first version and I dont have
  any problem using it...
- This Tools Speed also depends on Your connection with target
  if Your target is not in same Network (such like LAN), it may
  take a little bit longer than the normal time...
  ( possibly: only 3,4 or 5 port/second)
+++ Tested on:
- Windows 10
- ParrotSec v4
- Kali Linux (rolling) 2018.3
### version 1.1:
+++ Feature:
- Bug fixed
- Change Banner
### version 1.2:
+++ Feature:
- Bug fixed
- Change Banner (one banner only)
- Moving from OptParse into ArgParse
- Easy to Use