
Plant Disease Detection using Convolutional Neural Network

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • A 5 layer CNN model to detect plant disease using leaf images.


  • The model is trained on Plant Village Dataset.
  • The dataset has 61,486 images of total 39 categories of 16 variety plants and backgrounds.
  • The dataset has been augmented using different techniques like image flipping, Gamma correction, noise injection, PCA color augmentation, rotation, and Scaling.


  • The model consisted of 9 Convolutional layers followed by ReLU, Batch Normalization and Max Pooling. model_architecture


  • 80% of dataset has been used for training, 10% for validation and 10% for testing.

  • The model has been trained for 10 epochs. loss


  • The accuracy of the model on training set is 93.07%, validation set is 91.53% and test is 90.94%. heatmap

  • References:

  • Project

  • Dataset