
Watchful Eye is a Google Solution Challenge Project aimed at addressing the rising cases of child kidnapping. It is designed to help parents and guardians monitor their children's movements and whereabouts, and receive alerts in case of any suspicious activity or danger.

Primary LanguageDart

Project Name

Watchful Eye


Two Android phones running Android OS version 5.0 or higher. Android Studio or Visual Studio Code installed on your computer. Basic knowledge of Android development and Java programming language.


To run this project, you will need to follow the steps below:

Clone this repository to your local machine or download the zip file and extract it to your desired location. Open the project in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code. Add the required dependencies to the project. The dependencies required for this project are mentioned in the build.gradle file. Replace the placeholder for the API key with your actual API key in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Build the project using the build tool provided by the IDE. Connect the two Android phones to your computer and enable USB debugging on them. Install the app on both phones using the APK file provided in the releases. To register the child Login as Institution and register account. Enter child's details and get a unique ID for child. Enter that unique ID in parent zone and track the child. Once the app is installed and running on both phones, the parent can track the child's location using the parent's phone. The app uses GPS to track the child's location in real-time and displays it on a map. The parent can also set up geofencing to receive notifications when the child enters or leaves a specific area.