
displays searched for magnet links and downloads selected torrents through CLI (Command Line)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


grabs magnet links for selected torrents through CLI

Supported Websites:

  • nyaa
  • piratebay

Supported torrent client for autodownloads:

  • deluge-console
  • transmission


Install the external dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

and now run the script using python3

python3 magnetfinder.py


After selecting whether nyaa or piratebay, specify if its a movie or series and give a search query
In the terminal a PrettyTable will be returned with the top 20 torrent links sorted by seeders from that website
Select which torrent by number, and it will either start the download or return the magnet link based on configuration

If its a series, you will be asked if its a ongoing series, to determine whether the directory should be an existing folder or a new one


Edit the config.ini to change the default directories, autodownload status, and the torrent client used
Enabling automatic torrent downloads allows deluge-console on linux, or aria2c on windows to run with the script

Current default directory is your Downloads folder, default status for automatic torrent downloads is false, and default torrent client is deluge-console

Aria2c on Windows

To install aria2c on windows:
go to https://aria2.github.io/ and download the latest version, unzip and then add the folder directory to your windows PATH

In the config.ini file set the torrent client to "aria2c"