This program aims to help having an easy-to-use tool to send mails with a simple syntax, and very little configuration to do. The only requirement is Java (I'm using version 8). To start with sendMail, just create a file in your home directory called ".mail.conf" you can also use /etc/mail.conf on a Linux system. The file should be like this: port=25 sender_name=MyName needs_auth=true password=mypassword needs_SSL=false needs_TLS=false I think it's easy enough to understand. ;-) You can directly use the JAR binary file in exe folder of this project, it includes the lib folder. I suggest you to move the jar in a folder you want (I made a jbin folder in /usr/local) and create a script like this in $PATH #!/bin/bash java -jar /usr/local/jbin/sendMail.jar "$@" [CHANGELOG] if you want, from the latest version it's possible to specify logs directory in configuration file. logs_directory=/path/to/logs On Windows, you need to specify it doubling all the backslashes, like this: logs_directory=C:\\logs\\directory I've also added version information, you can find it out using java -jar sendMail.jar version