
Build Cakewalk INS file based on ObjView export of Kurzweil SE Multi objects

Primary LanguagePython


Build Cakewalk INS-file based on ObjView export of Kurzweil SE Multi objects

This script uses the exported TXT file from ObjectView 0.98b beta by Brian Cowell.
Have a look at the Mastering VAST forum --> https://forums.godlike.com.au


  • Save all data on Forte SE to XXX.FSE
  • Rename XXX.FSE to XXX.FOR
  • open XXX.FOR in ObjView, ignore version errors
  • select MULTI and export as TXT-file
  • put file in same folder as objview2ins.py
  • run objview2ins.py

Depending on fullINS you will get the outputfiles

  • fortese.ins - with a reduced (i.e. used) multi index
  • fortese-full.ins - with all possible multis

Have Fun!
BBB, 04-JUL-2021


  • added a single line CSV output for scripting fun in Gig performer :-)