
:girl: A simple and elegant avatar cropping and upload plugin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue Avatar Cropper

👧 A simple and elegant component to crop and upload avatars.


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Basic usage

<button @click="() => { trigger = true }">Pick avatar</button>




  1. Include the link to AvatarCropper in <head> alongside Vue.js and Cropper.js:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cropperjs/dist/cropper.min.css">
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cropperjs"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-avatar-cropper"></script>
  2. AvatarCropper will auto-install upon detecting the global Vue instance. You can use it right away.

Node environment

  1. Install the AvatarCropper package:

    npm install vue-avatar-cropper
    # or
    yarn add vue-avatar-cropper
  2. Register it as you usually would:

    import AvatarCropper from 'vue-avatar-cropper'
    // or
    const AvatarCropper = require('vue-avatar-cropper');
    Vue.component('AvatarCropper', AvatarCropper);
    // or
    // or
    new Vue({
        components: { AvatarCropper },
        // ...


Property Name Type Description
trigger Boolean Set to true to trigger the avatar cropper, this prop is used for v-model. Default: false
file File File to use instead of prompting the user to upload one
upload-url String URL to upload the file to
upload-file-field String FormData field to use for the file. Default: 'file'
upload-form-data FormData Additional FormData. Default: new FormData()
upload-handler Function Handler to replace default upload handler, the argument is cropperJS instance.
request-options Object Options passed to the init parameter of the Request() constructor. Use this to set the method, headers, etc. Default: { method: 'POST' }
cropper-options Object Options passed to the cropperJS instance.
Default: {
    aspectRatio: 1,
    autoCropArea: 1,
    viewMode: 1,
    movable: false,
    zoomable: false
output-options Object Options passed to the cropper.getCroppedCanvas() method.
Default: {}. Recommended use-case is specifying an output size, for instance: { width: 512, height: 512 }
output-mime String The resulting avatar image mime type. Default: null
output-quality Number The resulting avatar image quality [0 - 1]. Default: 0.9
(if the output-mime property is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp')
mimes String Allowed image formats. Default:
'image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon'
capture String Capture attribute for the file input. Forces mobile users to take a new picture with the back(Use value 'environment') or front(Use value 'user') camera
labels Object Label for buttons. Default: { submit: 'Ok', cancel: 'Cancel' }
inline Boolean If true component will be displayed as inline elemenet. Default: false


  • triggered trigger prop changed, used for v-model, parameter:

    • value boolean.
  • changed user picked a file, parameter is an object containing:

  • submit right after a click on the submit button

  • cancel when user decides to cancel the upload

  • uploading before submit upload request, parameter is an object containing:

  • uploaded after request is successful, parameter is an object containing:

  • completed after request has completed, parameter is an object containing:

  • error something went wrong, parameter is an object containing:

    • message error message.
    • type error type, example: 'load'/'upload'/'user'.
    • context context data.

You can listen for these events like this:

export default {
  methods: {
    handleUploading({ form, request, response }) {
      // show a loader

    handleUploaded({ form, request, response }) {
      // update user avatar attribute

    handleCompleted({ form, request, response }) {
      // close the loader

    handleError({ message, type, context}) {
      if (type === 'upload') {
        const { request, response } = context

🚀 There is an online demo:

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