
Status Line Integration

sanchit1053 opened this issue · 4 comments

Can you please explain how to integrate statusline variables name using lualine, that is what is your configuration to produce the second screenshot in the README?
For me the status line shows the name of the file when it is not active which I would like to keep, but change the statusline only if your buffer variable is set,

See https://github.com/xeluxee/competitest.nvim#statusline-and-winbar-integration
I use feline, but lualine configuration shouldn't be much different:

  1. Create a statusline for filetype CompetiTest
  2. Create a component that shows the value of vim.b.competitest_title

Here's my config for feline:

conditional_components = {
		condition = function()
			return vim.bo.filetype == "CompetiTest"
		inactive = {
					provider = "",
					hl = { bg = "bg" },
					left_sep = "slant_left",
					provider = function()
						return vim.b.competitest_title or "CompetiTest"
					hl = { fg = "main_fg", bg = "main_bg" },
					right_sep = "slant_right",

This is my setup for lualine:

-- Custom extension
local competitest_line = {
  filetypes = {'CompetiTest'},
  sections = {
    lualine_b = { function()
                    return vim.b.competitest_title or 'CompetiTest'
                  end },
    lualine_y = {'searchcount'},
    lualine_z = {lineinfo},
  inactive_sections = {
    lualine_b = { function()
                    return vim.b.competitest_title or 'CompetiTest'
                  end },

-- Add extension to your require('lualine').setup block
require('lualine').setup { extensions = {competitest_line} }

Alternatively, if you want to have the same statusline for when a window is focused or when it is inactive:

local competitest_line = {
  filetypes = {'CompetiTest'},
  inactive_sections = {
    lualine_b = { function()
                    return vim.b.competitest_title or 'CompetiTest'
                  end },

require('lualine').setup {
  ignore_focus = {'CompetiTest'},
  extensions = {competitest_line},

This is my setup for lualine: ...

-- Custom extension
local competitest_line = {
  filetypes = {'CompetiTest'},
  sections = {
    lualine_b = { function()
                    return vim.b.competitest_title or 'CompetiTest'
                  end },
    lualine_y = {'searchcount'},
    lualine_z = {lineinfo},
  inactive_sections = {
    lualine_b = { function()
                    return vim.b.competitest_title or 'CompetiTest'
                  end },

-- Add extension to your require('lualine').setup block
require('lualine').setup { extensions = {competitest_line} }

Hi @hedyhli , thanks for this useful snippet. Can you please tell what is this lineinfo variable in the lualine_z section in the above configuration. I am assuming this is some global function defined elsewhere.

Hi @hedyhli , thanks for this useful snippet. Can you please tell what is this lineinfo variable in the lualine_z section in the above configuration. I am assuming this is some global function defined elsewhere.

Yes, though it isn't really related to competitest integration since lualine components can be anything you want. In my case it was a local function:

local function lineinfo()
  -- return "    "
  local total = tostring(vim.fn.line('$'))
  -- Left pad the current line count to max width of this value, to avoid jittering
  return string.format("%"..total:len().."d", vim.fn.line('.'))..'/'..total

Feel free to look for anything else that might help in this file; note though that I can't help with any further troubleshooting since I no longer use any status line at all.
