CompetiTest.nvim is a Neovim plugin for Competitive Programming: it can manage and check testcases, download problems and contests from online judges and much more
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I can't get my template_file to load.
#68 opened by insomnia-creator - 1
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How about changing filename to ignore periods (.) and replace spaces with undersore?
#64 opened by asibhossen897 - 1
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Feature request: add clean command
#63 opened by 0bcMoon - 1
Edit testcases directly from runner_ui.
#62 opened by basit2 - 4
Status Line Integration
#44 opened by sanchit1053 - 7
The problem of local configurations
#27 opened by ayham-1 - 3
When there exists another solution file created before, the default behavior should not be 'overwrite the old file' but 'keep the old file'
#56 opened by ShelpAm - 5
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Feature request: allow user to choose whether to create a new source file or to just stay in current source file.
#54 opened by ShelpAm - 0
Receive problems confusion
#53 opened by algoatson - 2
Integrations with tools for submitting solutions.
#30 opened by ayham-1 - 4
Some idea concerning new features
#51 opened by XXiaoA - 1
Space in file name when receiving problem
#52 opened by DevUt - 1
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CompetiTest receive only gets 1 testcase.
#46 opened by fg-charles - 5
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Unable to get compile directory working
#43 opened by manavkush - 2
Is there a way to make it always replace the exisitng test cases without asking for a prompt?
#22 opened by vijay-72 - 3
Whitespaces not compiled correctly.
#42 opened by mohammadrehan28 - 2
Running :CompetiTest commands throw `trailing data in msgpack string` error
#41 opened by AdityaMayukhSom - 17
Adding many features
#6 opened by nullchilly - 2
Could not get the directory name to be of the
#32 opened by vishalpaudel - 7
CompetiTestReceive enhancements
#28 opened by MuhammadSawalhy - 5
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Commands Are Not Found!!!
#38 opened by SHAHNUR00 - 5
Feature request: Split a test into smaller cases
#34 opened by TroySigX - 1
unable to recieve test case
#36 opened by gaurav-palariya - 1
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When input is null, plugin runs error
#33 opened by utbuiquoc - 11
What if a problem has multiple answers?
#23 opened by TroySigX - 3
Some feature recommendation
#24 opened by RishabhRD - 2
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Can't get Split Ui to work in LunarVim
#21 opened by thaqifazfar15 - 3
Auto Recieve the whole contest
#18 opened by smarttommyau - 3
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feat: filtering output before comparing.
#15 opened by shadmansaleh - 3
Issue with nui
#14 opened by MuhammadSawalhy - 5
How to write test cases
#13 opened by zackfall - 2
Intermediate empty line should be included in the comparison between expected and actual ouput
#12 opened by MuhammadSawalhy - 3