

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What Gyro.js does:

  • listens for deviceorientation and devicemotion events
  • converts and adjusts the measured values so they are the same for every orientation (portrait, landscape
    left, landscape right)
  • updates a gyro object with 7 attributes that you can read at any given time:
  • Android only (iOS support coming soon)


0 : portrait, 90: landscape left, -90: landscape right.


value = 0 on load,
values up to 180 by rotating on your left and down to -180 by rotating on your right.


value: 0 when standing vertically,
values down to -90 when the screen is facing down, up to 90 when it's facing up,
whatever the value of gyro.orientation is.


value: 0 when standng vertically,
values up to 180 by tilting the device on the left and down to -180 by tilting on the right,
whatever the value of gyro.orientation is.


acceleration along the axis from your front (positive values) to your back (negative values),
whatever the value of alpha, beta and gamma are.


acceleration along the axis from your left (positive values) to your right (negative values),
whatever the value of alpha, beta and gamma are.


acceleration along the axis from your up (positive values) to your down (negative values),
whatever the value of alpha, beta and gamma are.


The values returned for alpha, beta and gamma are non-standard (specific to Gyro.js).
I've put them this way to make them more dev-friendly.
(see QUIRKS.md for more details about native values)

Note 2

Gyro.js is < 700b minified, promise-less, and ES6-less.
For more features and less value harmonization, take a look at Full-Tilt + Gyronorm.js (18.1kb minified)