
The smallest 6502 / NES CPU simulator in JS (944b gzipped)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An attempt to make the smallest standalone NES CPU (Ricoh 6502) simulator in JavaScript (< 1kb zipped)

Developed for my mini NES emulator: https://github.com/xem/jsnes-lite

A writeup is available on: https://xem.github.io/articles/nes.html

Commented source code: https://github.com/xem/mini6502/blob/gh-pages/6502.js

Minified: https://github.com/xem/mini6502/blob/gh-pages/6502.min.js

Zipped: https://github.com/xem/mini6502/blob/gh-pages/6502.min.js.zip (1015b)

Gzipped: https://github.com/xem/mini6502/blob/gh-pages/6502.min.js.gz (928b)

Demo/test: https://xem.github.io/mini6502/demo


  • Initialization of memory (m), registers (A, X, Y, S, PC, P), flags (C, Z, I, D, B, V, N) and cycle counter (c) as global vars
  • Memory helpers (read: r(addr), write: w(addr,value), push: h(value), pop: g())
  • Emulation of the 151 official 6502 opcodes and 3 interrupts
  • Emulation of the hardware bugs and quirks (JMP, cross-page reads...)
  • Cycle-accurate
  • Optimized to run properly at 1.76M cycles/second

Features not included:

  • NES specific memory mirrorings (showing the same data at different addresses)
  • NES specific I/O registers (to handle graphics, sound, joypads...)
  • NES Mappers (cartridge models, allowing ROM bank switching, save slots, ...)
  • Decimal mode (which is present on the original MOS 6502 CPU but not in Ricoh 6502 used by the NES)

How to use:

  • Include 6502.js or 6502.min.js in your project
  • Put the contents of a ROM in the memory m (an array of integers between 0 and 255)
  • Reset the CPU with op(2) or set PC at the address where the program starts
  • Call op() repeatedly to simulate opcodes one by one
  • Call op(1) for a NMI interrupt, op(2) for a Reset and op(3) for an IRQ

How to compress after golfing:

  • zip: add 6502.min.js in a zip file, run ./ect-0.8.3.exe -9 -zip .\6502.min.zip
  • gzip: run zopfli --gzip -i1000000 6502.min.js
  • reshuffle opcode list: <in.txt npx --node-args --experimental-modules dict-tempering --type=newline >out.txt

Useful resources: