- Link for the Spreadsheet with Activity records for 202, 203, 204 groups.
- Link for the Spreadsheet with Activity records for group 201. From January solutions of bonus problems should be sent to Anastasia asivanova_11@edu.hse.ru.
- Link for seminar recordings
- Link for the books and other related materials.
The results of the midterm exam (1st of November) are published in the corresponding folder. The last column EXAM% is the final grade.
Requirements for Essay are uploaded to the main folder. Requirements for HA:
- Use scan options, check the quality of the file before sending.
- The first page should be titled like this "Vadim Ivanov, gr. 201, HA08, data07, Python".
- Please always provide your HA in pdf. Even if you write in Python notebook, make a pdf out of it so that even non-Python user could read it.
Where to find the grades:
- Link for the HA grades
- If you have questions conserning the HA grading, you can adress them to @ellenkim22 within 5 days after grades publication.
- Grades for HA5-6 will not be accounted for the Grade in 1st in Semester, however will be accounted for the final grade of the course as other home assignments.
How to set up a Class:
- Follow the invitation link for your homework (https://classroom.github.com/a/3kfQF7nm).
- Log in to GitHub. You will be presented with a list of students.
- Find yourself on the list and follow the further instructions. A personal private repository will be automatically created for you. Important: if you do not find yourself in the list of students, please DO NOT proceed with the ‘Can't find your name? Go to next step ->’. Instead, write to your class teacher or teaching assistant. We will add you to the list, after which you can continue with step 3. If you follow the link, then the repo can still be created, however, it will not be connected to the Classroom, which will lead to some inconveniences in the future. If you’ve clicked on the link ‘Can't find your name? Go to the next step ->’ and only then saw this message: still write to your class teacher or teaching assistant about this. Connecting isolated cases is easier.
DataCamp R Courses
Google Colab with R
The final retake is consisted of the written problems to be solved on paper. The solutions are graded by 3 comission members. The final mark will not account for the performance during the semester.