Second-language acquisition modeling, that extends the task of knowledge tracing. PyTorch implementations of neural collaborative filtering, (TODO) deep knowledge tracking (LSTM and Memory Network) on Assistment09 benchmark dataset.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

11-747 Neural Network for NLP

Second Language Acquisition Modeling


You need to download raw data and organize them in this hierarchy. (currently partially gitignored).


data_en_es/ and 2 others can be download from http://sharedtask.duolingo.com

We use a deduplicated version of skill_builder_data.csv, named as skill_builder_data_corrected.csv from Skill-builder data 2009-2010


On Assistment09 benchmark:

To run a neural collaborative filtering model (based on MLP):

python ./cli.py ncf assistments data/Assistant/skill_builder_data.csv --no-remove-skill-nans --drop-duplicates --num-folds 5 --item-id-col problem_id --num-iters 50 --first-learning-rate 0.001 --embedding_dim 200 --hidden-dim 200

A .csv dump of cross-validated prediction is located at data/Assistant/prediction/skill_builder_data.csv

You could also run a naive MLP with pre-defined features (e.g. ms_response, attempt, opportunity, etc. ) from .csv

python ./cli.py mlp assistments data/Assistant/skill_builder_data.csv --no-remove-skill-nans --drop-duplicates --num-folds 5 --item-id-col problem_id --num-iters 50 --dropout-prob 0.25 --first-learning-rate 0.01 --hidden-dim 100

On Duolingo dataset:

To train a (official release baseline) Logistic Regression and predict:

cd starter_code/

python baseline.py --train ../data/data_es_en/es_en.slam.20171218.train --test ../data/data_es_en/es_en.slam.20171218.dev --pred prediction_es_en/es_en.slam.20171218.pred 

Then to evaluate:

python eval.py --pred prediction_es_en/es_en.slam.20171218.pred --key ../data/data_es_en/es_en.slam.20171218.dev.key

You will see an output:

Metrics:	accuracy=0.848	avglogloss=0.378	auroc=0.752	F1=0.176