
Xenit specific Alfresco images

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alfresco in Docker and Alfresco Share in Docker

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docker-alfresco is a part of the Xenit Open Source Tooling around Alfresco. Xenit is company with a big expertise and a strong team around Alfresco. If you'd like to learn more about our tools, services and products, please visit our website.

This project builds Alfresco-specific docker images used by Xenit, starting with Alfresco 6.1.

Images created

  • [docker.io/xenit/tomcat] = xenit specific tomcat images
  • [docker.io/xenit/alfresco-repository-skeleton] = skeleton common for all Alfresco images per major version; includes java, tomcat, init script, keystore
  • [docker.io/xenit/alfresco-repository-community] = community Alfresco images
  • [private.docker.xenit.eu/alfresco-enterprise/alfresco-repository-enterprise] = enterprise Alfresco images
  • [docker.io/xenit/alfresco-share-skeleton] = community Share images
  • [docker.io/xenit/alfresco-share-community] = skeleton common for all Share images per major version; includes java, tomcat, init script

Supported Tags

  • [:7.2.0, :7.2, :7] = major, minor, revision


This is Xenit's repository for Alfresco and Share docker images. A major-minor version has a common skeleton.

Image Variants


  • alfresco-repository-enterprise:
  • alfresco-repository-community:

These are the images used for a multi-container Alfresco enterprise deployment in production. To be used together with Share Docker Image , docker-solr , postgres.

The most basic setup uses the docker-compose files from 2repository/src/integrationTest/resources . These files are used in the integration tests.


Multi-container: share to be used together with Alfresco Docker Image , docker-solr, postgres.

Repository and share:

Images with the repository and share are no longer built.

Environment variables

There are several environment variables available to tweak the behaviour. While none of the variables are required, they may significantly aid you in using these images. We don't set default environment variables. The defaults that are documented in the following tables, are the values that are used when the environment variables are not set.

Common Environment variables

Variable Default Description
TOMCAT_WEBAPPS /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
TOMCAT_BASE_DIR /usr/local/tomcat/temp
SHARED_LIB_DIR /usr/local/tomcat/shared/lib
GENERATED_CLASSPATH_DIR /dev/shm/classpath
SHARED_CLASSPATH_DIR /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes
TOMCAT_PORT 8080 non SSL port tomcat is listening on
TOMCAT_PORT_SSL 8443 SSL port tomcat is listening on
TOMCAT_SERVER_PORT 8005 Port for server communication
TOMCAT_MAX_HTTP_HEADER_SIZE 32768 Maximum http header size
TOMCAT_MAX_THREADS 200 Maximum number of threads
DEBUG false -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
JMX_ENABLED false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=5000 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5000 -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$JMX_RMI_HOST
JAVA_OPTS_<variable>=<value> <value> <variable>
JSON_LOGGING false When true, all logs will be in JSON.
ACCESS_LOGGING false When true, access logs will be printed. These logs are always in JSON format
EXIT_ON_FAILURE true When true, the Java process will exit when the application deployed in Tomcat fails to start. Can be turned of for debugging purposes.

Alfresco Environment variables

The alfresco-global.properties can be set via a generic mechanism by setting environment variables of the form GLOBAL_, e.g. GLOBAL_alfresco.host.

A subset of the alfresco-global.properties have also dedicated environment variables e.g. SOLR_SSL. Generic variables take precedence.

Environment variables:

Variable alfresco-global.property variable Default Description
ALFRESCO_HOST alfresco.host alfresco
ALFRESCO_PORT alfresco.port 8080
ALFRESCO_PROTOCOL alfresco.protocol http
SHARE_HOST share.host share
SHARE_PORT share.port 8080
SHARE_PROTOCOL share.protocol http
DB_DRIVER db.driver org.postgresql.Driver
DB_HOST db.host localhost
DB_PORT db.port 5432
DB_NAME db.name alfresco
DB_USERNAME db.username alfresco
DB_PASSWORD db.password admin
DB_URL db.url jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:5432/alfresco
DB_QUERY db.pool.validate.query select 1
INDEX index.subsystem.name solr6
SOLR_HOST solr.host solr
SOLR_PORT solr.port 8080
SOLR_PORT_SSL solr.port.ssl 8443
SOLR_SSL solr.secureComms https
ENABLE_CLUSTERING alfresco.cluster.enabled false
TOMCAT_SSL_KEYSTORE encryption.ssl.keystore.location /keystore/ssl.keystore Path for the ssl keystore file. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
TOMCAT_SSL_KEYSTORE_KEY_META_DATA_LOCATION encryption.ssl.keystore.keyMetaData.location /keystore/keystore-passwords.properties Path for the ssl keystore file. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
TOMCAT_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD ssl-keystore.password Password for the ssl keystore. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
TOMCAT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE encryption.ssl.truststore.location /keystore/ssl.truststore Path for the ssl truststore file. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
TOMCAT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_KEY_META_DATA_LOCATION encryption.ssl.truststore.keyMetaData.location /keystore/ssl-keystore-passwords.properties Path for the ssl truststore file. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
TOMCAT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD ssl-truststore.password Password for the ssl truststore. Added to both the Tomcat connector and alfresco-global.properties
DIR_ROOT dir.root /opt/alfresco/alf_data
GLOBAL_<variable> <variable>

Share Environment variables

There are several environment variables available to tweak the behaviour. While none of the variables are required, they may significantly aid you in using these images. The variables are read by an init script which further replaces them in the relevant files. Such relevant files include:

  • share-config-custom.xml

See also environment variables from lower layers: docker-openjdk and docker-tomcat.

Environment variables:

Variable Default Description
ALFRESCO_HOST alfresco Used to generate WebDav links.
ALFRESCO_PORT 8080 Used to generate WebDav links.
ALFRESCO_PROTOCOL http Used to generate WebDav links.
ALFRESCO_CONTEXT alfresco Used to generate WebDav links.
ALFRESCO_INTERNAL_HOST alfresco Used for communication share-alfresco.
ALFRESCO_INTERNAL_PORT 8080 Used for communication share-alfresco.
ALFRESCO_INTERNAL_PROTOCOL http Used for communication share-alfresco.
ALFRESCO_INTERNAL_CONTEXT alfresco Used for communication share-alfresco.
SHARE_CONFIG_PATH alfresco/web-extension Parent folder for the share-config-custom.xml relative to GENERATED_CLASSPATH_DIR
SHARE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE /docker-config/share-config-custom.xml Path for a template file for share-config-custom.xml. This file supports variable replacement of the above variables, but also any other environment variable.

If environment variables are not sufficient to cover the use-case desired, a custom share-config-custom.xml file can be mounted in /docker-config/share-config-custom.xml.

Support & Collaboration

These images are updated via pull requests to the xenit-eu/docker-alfresco/ Github-repository.

How to build

To build a local version of the alfresco images:

./gradlew buildDockerImage

or for a specific image:

./gradlew 2repository:enterprise-6.1.0:buildDockerImage

To run the integration tests:

./gradlew integrationTests

To see all available tasks:

./gradlew tasks

If you have access to Alfresco private repository add the repository to build.gradle and add


to your build commands.