WebEngDUS UG Talk - Nov. 16th, 2017

Hey folks, this is the demo project from the talk at the WebEngDUS on Nov. 16th, 2017.

How to start everything up

We use a lot of different stuff here, so getting it started can be overwhelming at first. Just follow the instructions and "trust me" for a moment.

All services assume, that you execute them in a separate terminal session, either with tabs, tmux or screen, or you use something like iTerm2's split feature.


  • The base directory for all commands is kafka-dist.
  • The kafka-dist/bin directory contains scripts prefixed with demo-. These scripts are custom additions from us and intend to ease the demo process.
  • All services we start here are CTRL-C-able without doing harm.


We assume, that a MySQL server is running on localhost, port 3306. We further assume, that there is a root user with no password.

Please execute this in the MySQL CLI:



Please start an Elasticsearch instance somewhere. The current configuration assumes it on localhost, but you can change that in kafka-dist/connectors/elasticsearch.properties


Please start a Redis server somewhere. The current configuration expects it on localhost, but you can change that in kafka-dist/connectors/redis_cache.properties and then you need to tell the RedisTemplate in Spring Boot to use your custom connection (that can be done by providing a RedisConnection bean with the appropriate connection string. See webengdus.shopservice.RedisConfiguration for the right place to start). The last place to change the Redis address is in the Stream Processor.


We run ZK in foreground. Alternatively you can add -daemon and move it into the background. There is a corresponding stop command to remove the process later on.

bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties


We run Kafka in foreground. Alternatively you can add -daemon and move it into the background. There is a corresponding stop command to remove the process later on.

bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

Kafka Topics

Before we start more of the components, we need to add a few topics to the broker.


Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect is, without using systemd or daemon tools, a foreground-only tool. We've tried to commit working version of each plugin into the kafka-dist/plugins directory, so you can start Kafka Connect right away.

We've assembled already the correct command in the demo scripts for you.


Landoop Kafka Connect UI (Optional)

This one needs Docker and gives you a nice little UI for the Kafka Connect installation.

The start script is "made for macOS", because it assumes that your primary network interface is named en0. Depending on your OS, this might need some adjustment.

Change the following line in bin/demo-docker_connect_ui.sh according to your needs:

MY_IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}')

Then run:


Shop Service

We don't provide the shop service as jar, because it would make the repository even bigger.

Instead, we give you the command to build and run it from your shell. Gradle will download the dependencies on demand and then start the Spring Boot application.

Important: Don't run this for the first time on a mobile connection! Gradle will leave your with the impression of downloading half of the internet.

Change the directory to the root of the repository!

cd ..
./gradlew shop-service:bootRun 

The stream processor

The SP tracks the sold items per time and reports it directly to the Redis instance. You can start it by using gradle again:

Important: Don't run this for the first time on a mobile connection! Gradle will leave your with the impression of downloading half of the internet.

Change the directory to the root of the repository!

cd ..
./gradlew streamproc:run

Additional scripts

Delete topics

This script removes the topics from the broker. The broker is already configured to enable topic deletion.


Reset sink offsets

This script resets the offset of the redis sink to force it to read the topic from the earliest offset.
