The bookmark app backend

node-js express apollo-server-express jest typescript mongoose heroku


The bookmark app backend is a simple project used as practice ground for using jest and supertest to test a graphql api that uses cookies for users authorization. It was also a good opportunity to use github actions to automate testing and deployment to heroku just for fun.

How to run the project

Local machine

With npm installed on your machine, install project dependencies running the following command:

npm i

Create a .env file in the root of the project that holds the following variables:

  • PORT: the port where the project will be running.
  • DB_CONNECTION_STRING: the mongodb uri used to connect the project to a mongodb database.
  • JWT_SECRET: the string used to hash passwords.

Production mode

npm run start

Development mode

The following command runs the project with hot reload enabled everytime a new change is saved.

npm run start:dev


Open a terminal in the root directory of the project

Build a docker image of the project with the following command:

docker build -t <your-docker-image-name> .

where your-docker-image-name is the name of the image created after the building process.

Then run a container using the newly created image:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --env PORT=3000 --env JWT_SECRET=<your-secret-of-choice> --env DB_CONNECTION_STRING=<your-mongo-db-connection-uri> --name <your-container-name-of-choice> <your-docker-image-name>

where <your-container-name-of-choice> is the identifier that docker will assign to the running container and <your-docker-image-name> is the same image name used in the previous step
