
Primary LanguageRubyThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Vector Math library written in pure Ruby

Vec2 and Mat2x2 are in 'vectormath_2d.rb'. Vec3, Vec4, Mat3x3, Mat4x4 are in 'vectormath_3d.rb'

It's designed to be:


Virtually every design decision was arrived at through extensive benchmarking in the DragonRuby runtime. The key feature and reason for the library's creation are the #_from! methods which perform computation with the provided parameters and set the result to the calling vector. This allows the user to fully control when memory allocation occurs for a massive performance increase in loops with high iteration counts


The API is as nice and ruby-ish as possible without trading performance. Lots of functions!


Released under public domain / Unlicense so copy/paste away


Thanks to Lyniat for the matrix code!

Coverity Scan Build Status


Given the following vectors

vec2_a = Vec2.new(1.1, 2.2)
vec2_b = Vec2.new(3.3, 4.4)
vec2_c = Vec2.new(5.5, 6.6)

@vec2_result = Vec2.new # initialized to 0.0, 0.0

Mutating methods are suffixed with '!'

# vec2_a is now (4.4, 6.6)

Operators are non-mutating

# result is a new Vec2 with values of (4.4, 6.6) but memory was allocated for for the copy, which is slow
result = vec2_a + vec2_b

*_from! methods are mutating and meant to be used on previously declared (temporary) variables

# sets a previously declared vec2_result to (4.4, 6.6) without changing vec2_a or vec2_b.  Much faster!
@vec2_result.add_from!(vec2_a, vec2_b)

Methods can be chained

@vec2_result.add_from!(vec2_a, vec2_b)