
Just an IRC Bot for testing and joking and learning better python

Primary LanguagePython


Just an IRC Bot for testing and joking and learning better python

At the moment, just add a config.py with the following content:
nick = ''
password = ''
channel = ''

Add the Strings as needed.

The Bot at the current state will:

  • Connect to freenode per SSL (if I did that correctly)
  • Join the Channel you configured
  • it will load and reload plugins if the first char in a channel or query string is ":" (without quotes)
  • if command :xyz is sent in irc, the bot searches for a file xyz.py in plugins folder. if its not found, nothing will happen (except for logging as debug) else the file will be (re-)loaded and the run method will be called. the parameter message is the irc message as sent from the server