NOTE: Do not know why, but when you Copy Codes from Speedfly or other Sites, the Codes do not work because the BIT ID is not correct.
_V0 Incorrect Code
$ #### ######## ########
_V0 Correct Code
$#### ######## ########
$#### ######## ########
Requesting help with finding Pointers. Please list Tools Used in finding these Codes. Seems there are a lot of Games that use Dynamic Addresses, so you think you found the Proper Codes, but next time you Run the Game, you try the same Code, then the Game Crashes. You try to find the same Code/s again, and the Address has Changed.
Find these Addresses enough times, and you can find the Main Address for the Codes you need. I know there are 2 Games that should have Dynamic Addresses used in them, and they have Codes. So need to know what Tools are Compatible with the Vita to find these types of Codes.
Cheat files to use with PsVitaCheat from finalcheat
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Current as of 30 OCT 17
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NEW VERSION FOR 3.65 Enso ONLY!!!!!!!!!!