
A collection of Python external modules and their usage.

A Collection of Python Modules

A collection of Python external modules and their usage, by category. The names are the module names as written in the code import ... , not the package name. How to install the packages can be found in their respective homepages/documentations. Built-in modules are not included.

Communication Protocol

Module name Description
paramiko Python implementation of the SSH protocol, interface to connect via SSH.
requests HTTP library.

Computer Vision / Image Processing / Video Processing

Module name Description
cv2 (OpenCV) Library for computer vision.
moviepy Library for video processing.
PIL (Pillow) Library for image processing.


Module name Description
cryptography Cryptographic recipes and primitives, and some common cryptographic algorithms.

Finance / Stocks / Investors Exchange (IEX)

Module name Description
iex Python wrapper for the IEX API.
iexfinance Python SDK for IEX Cloud API.
pyEX Python interface to IEX Cloud API.

Graph Theory

Module name Description
cvxgraphalgs Convex optimization algorithms to solve problems on graphs.
networkx Build and draw graphs and basic graph algorithms.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Module name Description
PyQt4, PyQt5 Python binding to the Qt GUI toolkit.
tkinter Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit.
wx (wxPython) Python wrapper for wxWidgets.

Machine Learning

Module name Description
autokeras A simpler deep learning framework based on Keras.
keras A simple deep learning API based on TensorFlow 2.0.
pytorch Machine learning library mainly for applications, e.g. computer vision and natural language processing.
sklearn Machine learning library for beginners to experiment with.
tensorflow Core machine learning library for building and training neural networks.

Numerical Computing / Mathematical Optimization

Module name Description
cvxpy Models and algorithms for convex optimization problems.
matplotlib Visualization tools for plotting graphs and drawing figures.
numpy Arrays, matrices, and linear algebra.
pandas Data analysis and data manipulation, suitable for data science.
scipy Routines for scientific programming, e.g. numerical integration, interpolation, optimization, etc.
sympy Library for symbolic mathematics.

Quantum Computing

Module name Description
circq Quantum computing library by Google.
pennylane Quantum computing library by Xanadu AI.
pyquil Quantum computing library by Rigetti.
qiskit Quantum computing library by IBM.


Module name Description
django Database-driven web framework.


Module name Description
pendulum Calculations on datetime.
pytest Perform tests on the code written.