
A DNS Server written in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir

Write a DNS server from scratch in Elixir

Inspired by EmilHernvall/dnsguide: A guide to writing a DNS Server from scratch in Rust, this project is my attempt to write a DNS server in Elixir.

How to use this server?

For now, this server only supports querying an A record for one domain.

You can open iex -S mix, and spin up a server like this:

{:ok, server} = DNS.Server.start
# =>
# {:ok, #PID<0.191.0>}

DNS.Server.recursive_lookup(server, "baidu.com")
# =>
# {:ok,
#  %DNS.Packet{
#    additionals: [
#      %{addr: {202, 108, 22, 220}, domain: "dns.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :A},
#      %{addr: {220, 181, 33, 31}, domain: "ns2.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :A},
#      %{addr: {112, 80, 248, 64}, domain: "ns3.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :A},
#      %{addr: {14, 215, 178, 80}, domain: "ns4.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :A},
#      %{addr: {180, 76, 76, 92}, domain: "ns7.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :A}
#    ],
#    answers: [
#      %{addr: {39, 156, 69, 79}, domain: "baidu.com", ttl: 600, type: :A},
#      %{addr: {220, 181, 38, 148}, domain: "baidu.com", ttl: 600, type: :A}
#    ],
#    authorities: [
#      %{domain: "baidu.com", host: "ns4.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :NS},
#      %{domain: "baidu.com", host: "dns.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :NS},
#      %{domain: "baidu.com", host: "ns2.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :NS},
#      %{domain: "baidu.com", host: "ns7.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :NS},
#      %{domain: "baidu.com", host: "ns3.baidu.com", ttl: 86400, type: :NS}
#    ],
#    header: %DNS.Packet.Header{
#      additional_count: 5,
#      answer_count: 2,
#      authoritative_answer: true,
#      authority_count: 5,
#      id: 15943,
#      operation_code: 0,
#      query_response: true,
#      question_count: 1,
#      recursion_available: false,
#      recursion_desired: false,
#      reserved: 0,
#      response_code: 0,
#      truncated_message: false
#    },
#    questions: [%DNS.Packet.Question{name: "baidu.com", type: :A}]
#  }}


The server implement is still in a simple and early stage. But I’ve already learned a ton:

  • How to parse a DNS Packet

    Parsing a DNS Packet correctly is one of the key foundations for a workable DNS Server. Below are the steps I took to understand the packet format, implement it in Elixir, and improve the implementation:

    • Understanding the Format

      To understand the format, the best place is the original document that described the DNS implementation and specification: RFC 1035 - Domain names - implementation and specification.

      Several fun facts I learned from this documentation:

      1. What’s the syntax of a domain.
      2. Why domain names are case-insensitive.
    • Basic Pattern Matching
    • Parser Combinator
      • Readability
      • Benchmark
  • How to work with Dialyzer
  • How to build a UDP Server in Elixir
  • Adding concurrency to an Elixir program is like a breeze

Future Improvements

  1. Parse domains as FQDN
  2. Add support to more resource record types (:TXT, :SOA, :ALIAS, etc.)
  3. Caching
  4. Extract functional core from DNS.Server