
Primary LanguagePython


Example SATOSA instance


You'll need Ubuntu Desktop, Docker CE, certbot, a NAT mapping for ports 80/tcp and 443/tcp, and a hostname in DNS.


  1. Get a certificate and make its private key readable by unprivileged users.

    echo -n 'Hostname? '; read HOSTNAME
    echo -n 'Your email? '; read EMAIL
    sudo certbot certonly --standalone \
        --non-interactive \
        --agree-tos \
        -m "${EMAIL}" \
        --keep-until-expiring \
        --renew-with-new-domains \
        --cert-name test-aai \
        -d "${HOSTNAME}"
    sudo chmod a+r /etc/letsencrypt/live/test-aai/privkey.pem
  2. Build the container image from this repo.

    sudo docker rmi test-aai
    sudo docker build -t test-aai .
  3. Enter the hostname and run the image interactively.

    echo -n 'Hostname? '; read HOSTNAME
    sudo docker run \
        -it --rm -p 443:8443 \
        -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/test-aai/fullchain.pem:/etc/https.crt \
        -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/test-aai/privkey.pem:/etc/https.key \
        -e BASE_URL=https://${HOSTNAME} \
        test-aai \
            -b0.0.0.0:8443 \
            --certfile /etc/https.crt \
            --keyfile /etc/https.key \


SATOSA's service provider (SP) metadata is available at https://$HOSTNAME/sp_metadata, and its identity provider (IdP) metadata is available at https://$HOSTNAME/idp_metadata. Register both the SP and IdP metadata with SAMLtest. NOTE: This must be done whenever the container is restarted unless SAML keying material is kept on persistent storage.

Perform an IdP test by specifying the entity ID of the proxy's front end, https://$HOSTAME/Saml2IDP/proxy.xml. The SAMLtest SP will request authentication by your proxy IdP, causing your proxy SP to request authentication by the SAMLtest IdP. If everything works right, you will end up back at the SAMLtest SP. The process looks something like this:

SAMLtest SP ----AuthnRequest---> +------------------------|-----------------------+ ----AuthnRequest---> SAMLtest IdP
                                 | SATOSA front end (IdP) |  SATOSA back end (SP) |
SAMLtest SP <---AuthnResponse--- +------------------------|-----------------------+ <---AuthnResponse--- SAMLtest IdP