
Any more recent tutorials?

TTD1024 opened this issue · 4 comments

Is work still ongoing with this project? Any further tutorials and explanations available anywhere? CAM software that can handle stl mesh import seems really rare, so this project looks very important. Thank you

Thank you, Norwegian-Gadgetman. Can grblgru do waterline milling of an imported stl file? I saw mentions of stl import in the manul pdf, and I found a youtube video where you slice an stl such that each slice could be cut separately then assembled as a big object, but can grblgru cut the slices together so a single object comes out (like a 3d printing slicer butsubtractive and with absolutely no underhangs).

I can write up a short manual with information on how I use PathCAM if you're interested.

Here's a video on using PathCAM (for generating isolation traces for PCB's, not quite what you're after):


Some of that translates to generating paths for 3D objects though. Also, looks like the current version of PathCAM only works well with GRBL v0.8 (I think just the pause/resume functionality won't work?) - when I merge the pathcam-gerber changes into the master branch it will work all the way up to the latest GRBL v1.1.