
Odin logger to debugger + parent stdout using win32 OutputDebugStringW.

Primary LanguageOdinMIT LicenseMIT

Debugger logger for Odin

Dual logging to STDOUT and the debugger console using OutputDebugStringW.
Also provides a function to attach to the standard output of the parent window.


package main

import "core:log"
import "debugger_logger"

main :: proc() {
    // calls `debugger_logger.win32_open_console_or_attach_to_parent()`
    context.logger = debugger_logger.create_debugger_logger(padding=20)

    log.info("[glfw] Context created.")
    // $ [INFO ] [09:12:22] [main.odin:9         ] [glfw] Context created.

Debugger output (outdated):