"CICD is not IaC and IaC is not SLSA"
- Manage Infrastrucutre with code
- Defines a template that can be reused
- Resources like servers, networks and databases defined using code
- Code can be version controlled tested an deployed
Imperative Approach
- Define the operations required to achieve a certain infrastructure state
Api api = Api.CreateInstance()
Declarative Approach
- Define the state of the infrastructure what it supposed to be
def instance {
property: true
1993 - CFE Engine 2007 - Cloud Computing (AWS) 2010 - Azure VM launch 2013 - Docker release 2014 - Kubernetes release 2017 - Pulumi tool release 2023 - Opentofu (Teraform but proper OpenSource licence) era
DevOps (Like the CICD livesycle)
Dev -
- Planning
- Coding
- Building
- Testing
- Ops
- Release
- Deploy
- Operate
- Monitor
Important principels
- Continuous -Integration, -Deployment, -Testing
- IaC overall
- Supervision
- code = Rust √
- build = cargo √
- testing = (Rust integr.) !
- release = github actions
- deploy = docker
- operate = azure container images / ansible / Terraform / Kubernetes
- monitor = azure app insights / graphana (don't work without prometeus)
"it's important to make it wrong, for the moment"
First step was to use on the Project.
This worked without any problems and I removed the .github file from the pulled reposetory directory.
At the beginning I searched for a rust image that I can use to build my project This worked without any problems.
The next step was to use a server to run my restapi as webapp.
I tried to use debian:bullseye but this is not what I wanted.
Start the raspi
Update system and install jenkins