
Easy demo app about expenses and budget with local storage and CRUD with state management.

Primary LanguageDart

Easy budget

Easy budget is a flutter app made by me for learning proposes.


Is a Flutter app where you can add/update/delete your expenses and see the total of it. It uses riverpod for state management, freezed and sembast for local data storage.

The app has state management, local store management (crud),app icon plus splash screen, routing, snackbars for errors and completed actions, error catching and theming.

I'm new at flutter but I think the code is kinda well written and organized be free to use it if you want to.


  • Add dashboard.
  • Add select date when adding expense.
  • Add expenses categories
  • Order home depending on date.
  • Redesign home with different lists divided with dates (like grouped lists or something)
  • Add settings (dark theme,language (prob currency)).
  • Add functionality to create max budget and compare to total expenses
  • Add app video demo

Hello there

Hi if this has been useful for you it is free to star the repo. Also you could buy me coffe if you want! Any help to keep me developing is appreciated! Thank you in advanced.

Buy Me A Coffee

