
Primary LanguageSCSS

Blacksmith Frontend Developer Test

Getting Started

You need to have Node.js and NPM installed in your machine, these are the dependencies to run the test.

This test is using a .env file to create the Browsersync proxy, you can use this if you'd like or not depending on your preference. A .env.example file has been provided which can be used to set up your own .env file. Within this file you'll see the following:


Place your local development url within this area, and include your port if necessary ie. website.local:8888.

After installing your NPM dependencies, within the project, you can run the following commands to work with the developer tools bootstrapped to the project.

# Start development environment and watch file changes using Browsersync
npm start

# Build all assets of the project for production.
npm run build


We're using Gulp to generate our static files into the dist folder.

Any assets that need to be added to the project will need to be added into the src folder within the project.

  • Project is structured in PHP, as a result you'll need to set up a local web server to review the output of the files and make modifications using Browsersync
  • CSS/SASS files are imported through index.scss within the /src/scss folder. All CSS is being compiled with auto-generated prefixes for all CSS elements using CSSNext
  • JS files are imported through index.js within the /src/js folder. All JS is being compiled to a browser compatible format using Babel. As a result, you can employ the use of ES6+ features if desired.
  • Images are also being minified and can be placed within the /src/images folder to take advantage of this feature of the project.

Test Objective

The objective of this test is to correct any issues present within the established codebase when comparing the structured code against the design mockups provided.

Test Instructions

1.) Review the provided design mockups provided in the design-mockups folder within the root of this project. You will two files mobile.jpg and desktop.jpg which will indicate the expected finalized outcome of the page.

2.) Apply fixes to the implementation of the page based on the design provided. There will be AT LEAST two issues present per major template part element within the build, there may be other issues as well beyond this. Issues/problems with the site will be specifically found in /template-parts, /src/sass, and /src/js

3.) After fixing an issue, provide a small note within the file named developer-refactor-notes.txt for each issue that includes the following: - Description of the issue - Actions made to fix the issue - File Name(s) and Lines(s) where you applied the necessary fix.

  • You are allowed to use any and all dependencies that you deem necessary for accomplishing the goal of completing the page. Dependencies can be added in any manner you wish to add them.


When completed, ensure that you run npm run build, keep the generated dist folder in your submission, remove the node_modules folder from the project and compress the project into a zip file. Submissions can be sent by email to alex@blacksmithagency.com.