Users can make an auction bid by viewing the auctioned items on a category basis. The items and categories will be created from admins. There can be another UI for admins.
The purpose of the application is:
- User can list item categories
- User can see items in selected category
- The list of items in screen will be updated if the new item created for that category or existed one is updated.
- User can list bids of item when expand the item
- User can offer a bid with the mail and amount
- The auction must be concluded after a certain time.
- Users should be notified by the e-mail entered.
- The winner of the auction should be decided who gives the most amount bid
- The winner of the auction should be sent a link to purchase the product.
API: here
- Used Neo4j as database
- Used Django as framework
- Used channels for websocket
Detailed instruction is in readme file to run
UI: here
- Used Vue3
Detailed instruction is in readme file to run
You should use given postman collection in this repo after run the API project.
- Create a category or more
- Create an item with a category or more
- Create a bid for an item or more
- Open UI select category from drop down and get
- You can expand the item with clicking on it
- You can see list of bids if there are bids for that expanded item
- You can offer another bid
- Create a category
- Open UI select the category and get
- Create an item for selected category
- Created item should be appeared in screen without refreshing
- Create a category
- Create an item for selected category
- Open UI select the category and get
- Update the item
- The existed item in the screen should be updated with given new values