
The program finds the prime numbers in given interval, counts of process and thread

Primary LanguageC


You will code a multi-processing and multi-threading program that finds the prime numbers. The number interval for search (interval_min and interval_max), the number of processes (np) and the number of threads (nt) will be given as command line arguments. The number interval will be used as a search space to find prime numbers. You need to divide the number interval among np process, and each process should also divide them among nt threads. Threads will be responsible for finding the prime numbers in the assigned range. Upon completion of threads, processes should relay the found prime numbers to the main process through a shared memory. Finally, the main process prints the prime numbers that are calculated in ascending order. You will only submit a single source code file through Ninova.

Program Input

Program inputs are the number interval (interval_min, interval_max), the number of processes(np) and the number of threads(nt). These inputs should be received as a command line argument. To evaluate your programs, multiple options will be used.

./yourprogram interval_min interval_max np nt
Example command: ./yourprogram 101 200 2 2
It will create 2 processes and each process will create 2 threads.
Process 1 will be responsible for the numbers between 101 - 150
Thread 1- 1 will check for primality in the range of 101 - 125
Thread 1- 2 will check for primality in the range of 125 - 150
Process 2 will be responsible for the numbers between 151 - 200
Thread 2- 1 will check for primality in the range of 151 - 175
Thread 2- 2 will check for primality in the range of 176 - 200

Main Process


Process 1

Distribute the
interval among
threads and send
the prime numbers
to the main process
over the shared

Thread 1- 1

Search prime
numbers in 101 - 125
101, 103, 107, 109, 113

Thread 1- 2

Search prime
numbers in 126 - 200
127, 131, 137, 139, 149

Process 2

Distribute the
interval among
threads and send
the prime numbers
to the main process
over the shared

Thread 2- 1

Search prime
numbers in 151 - 175
151, 157, 163, 167, 173

Thread 2- 2

Search prime
numbers in 176 - 200
179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199

Processes and Threads

Your program should have the following functionality for the processes and threads.

  • Master Process: Master process should receive arguments as a command line argument. Then, it should create np slave processes. It will also divide the number interval into the number of processes, and distribute them among the slave processes. (E.g. If the initial range is 1-10 and the number of slave processes is 2, the processes will be assigned to the ranges of 1-5 and 6-10) Upon completion of slave processes, the main process must print the prime numbers that are sent over the shared memory by the processes in ascending order.
  • Slave(Child) Processes: Each slave process should create nt worker threads and assign a number range to each thread. Upon completion of its threads, the slave process must send the prime numbers that are calculated by the worker threads to the main process over a shared memory.
  • Worker Threads: Each worker thread is responsible for checking primality of numbers

in the defined range. You can use a simple divisibility test for the checking primality.

  • Each processes and threads should print a starting and an ending message as seen in the sample output.
  • The slave processes and the worker threads must be able to work in parallel.

Include development environment information, compilation and running

commands as a comment in your code.


Development environment: Lubuntu 16.04

To compile: gcc -c main.c –pthread

To run: ./a.out interval_min interval_max np nt

Example: ./a.out 101 200 2 2

Sample Program Output

A sample program output is given below. Your program must print similar information to the screen. Please note that, the order of lines may be different at each run.

./yourprogram 101 200 2 2
Master: Started.
Slave 2: Started. Interval 151- 200
Thread 2.2: searching in 176- 200
Slave 1: Started. Interval 101- 150
Thread 1.2: searching in 126- 150
Thread 1.1: searching in 101- 125
Thread 2.1: searching in 151- 175
Slave 2: Done.
Slave 1: Done.
Master: Done. Prime numbers are: 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151,
157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199 ,