
A tool for generating files with tests cases based on class methods signatures.

Primary LanguagePHP

Test it!

A tool for generating files with tests cases based on class methods signatures.


composer require xepozz/test-it --dev


Run the script from the console and pass source directory and target directory by your needs. Default values are src and tests respectively.

./vendor/bin/test-it src tests


The package reads all .php files from the source directory, analyses it and creates files mirrored by the relative path to source directory in target directory.

The tool respects parameters types and methods return value and generates all possible test cases.





namespace Xepozz\TestIt\Tests\Integration\OneParameter\src;

class UserController
    public function inverse(bool $value): bool
        return !$value;




namespace Xepozz\TestIt\Tests\Integration\OneParameter\tests;

use Xepozz\TestIt\Tests\Integration\OneParameter\src\UserController;

final class UserControllerTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
     * @dataProvider dataProviderInverse
    public function testInverse(bool $expectedValue, bool $valueValue): void
        // arrange
        $userController = new UserController();

        // act
        $actualValue = $userController->inverse($valueValue);

        // assert
        $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $actualValue);

    public static function dataProviderInverse(): iterable
        yield [false, true];
        yield [true, false];

As we can see it generates a dataProvider related to a function, evaluates return values and saves it to the data provider function.

Config file

Create a file with name test-it.php in project root if you need to configure generation process and configure the config as you wish.

Here is an example of possible options to configure:



use Xepozz\TestIt\Config;

return function (Config $config) {
        // disabled results substitution
        // sets a directory to scan
        // excludes particular files from scanning
            __DIR__ . '/src/Kernel.php',
        // excludes particular directories and all child directories from scanning
            __DIR__ . '/src/Asset',
            __DIR__ . '/src/Controller',
            __DIR__ . '/src/View',
        // includes subdirectories when parent directories were ignored
            __DIR__ . '/src/Controller/DTO',

Passing command arguments does not make any changes the config


Call the script with the flag --help to see all the possible options.

./vendor/bin/test-it --help
./test-it [<source> [<target>]]

source                The directory that will be processed [default: "src"]
target                The output directory where tests will be placed [default: "tests"]

-h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the ./test-it command
-q, --quiet           Do not output any message
-V, --version         Display this application version
--ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Additional documentation


  • Mock classes creation
  • Support multiple test methods names strategies (test_function_name and testFunctionName)
  • Test constant expression when a method always returns the same result
  • Add benchmarks
  • Add static analyzer
  • Add exclusion list
    • Paths (directories, files)
    • Classes
    • Inheritance tree (interfaces, parent classes)
  • Override config with command arguments
  • Add Codeception support


It doesn't work with not namespaced classes.

It has only one test method name generation strategy. See the roadmap.