
Lumen (Laravel Microframework) PHP Excersice with Vue

Primary LanguagePHP


Setup Instructions

  1. Copy .env.example file and rename as .env
  2. Fill DB variables on .env file, put DB_DATABASE=rpgtoolkit
  3. Create database on mysql/mariadb CREATE DATABASE rpgtoolkit
  4. Open a new session on console and move to 'api' folder
  5. Run composer install
  6. Run tests vendor/bin/phpunit
  7. On console run migrations php artisan migrate and after run seeders php db:seed
  8. Execute web service php -S localhost:8081 -t public
  9. Open a new session on console and move to 'app' folder
  10. Run npm install
  11. Run npm run serve -- --port 8080
  12. Open a web browser http://localhost:8080


API REST Documentation