
Quick and dirty convertion of DX7 syx files containing 32 presets into XFM2 json patch files

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Quick and dirty convertion of DX7 sysex files containing 32 presets into XFM2 json patch files.

Code is built on javac 11.0.7


Using this software is kind of a trap. When converting DX7 presets into XFM2 patches you are bypassing the far more extensive capabilities of the XFM2. Especially you are able to do far more complex modulation and feedback on the Operators. The real fun starts with a clean canvas ... ;)

File/Directory structure

unzip the zipfile DX7toXFM2.zip

put your sysex files in the same folder as the ReadSysEx.class file. A valid 32 preset DX7 syxex files should always be 4104 bytes long.

A few sysex files and the created json files are included as example.

the conf directory contains an empty patch and the 32 DX7 algorithms.

The 000init.json is used as a template where DX7 settings are written to.

The out folder is where the XFM2 patches are written to.

The out/DX7 folder contains the extracted settings of the DX7 patches. These files can be used to check and compare DX7 with the XFM2 patches.


Run in commanline tool:


cd <path_to_unzipped_location>/DX7toXFM2
java -classpath .:./json_simple-1.1.jar ReadSysEx <filename>.syx

Windows (not checked)

cd <path_to_unzipped_location>\DX7toXFM2
java -classpath .;.\json_simple-1.1.jar ReadSysEx <filename>.syx

some SysEx sources