
We used transfer learning on Faster RCNN to train our custom dataset. Recently published on IEEE: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8328848/

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Train Py-Faster-RCNN with a Gaze Dataset

This tutorial is a fine-tuned clone of zeyuanxy's one for the py-faster-rcnn code.

We will illustrate how to train Py-Faster-RCNN on another dataset in the following steps, and we will take the gaze database from UCSD RadLabs as the example dataset.

Clone py-faster-rcnn repository

The current tutorial need you to have clone and tested the regular py-faster-rcnn repository from rbgirshick.

$ git clone https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn

We will refer to the root directory with $PY_FASTER_RCNN.

You will also need to follow the installation steps from the original py-faster-rcnn readme

Build the train-set


Options to label your images include:

  1. Matlab or
  2. https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg

Format the Dataset

But we will use this common architecture for every dataset in $PY_FASTER_RCNN/data

|-- data/
    |-- Annotations/
         |-- *.txt (Annotation files)
    |-- Images/
         |-- *.jpg or *.png (Image files)
    |-- ImageSets/
         |-- train.txt
         |-- val.txt

A simple way to achieve it is to use symbolic links: (this is only an example for training, some refactoring will be needing in order to use the testset properly)

$ cd $PY_FASTER_RCNN/data
$ mkdir gaze_devkit/
$ mkdir gaze_devkit/data/
$ ln -s <path/of/gaze/database>/Annotations/ gaze_devkit/data/Annotations
$ ln -s <path/of/gase/database>/Images/ gaze_devkit/data/Images

Now we need to write train.txt that contains all the names(without extensions) of images files that will be used for training. Basically with the following:

$ cd $PY_FASTER_RCNN/data/gaze_devkit/data/
$ mkdir ImageSets
$ ls Annotations/ -m | sed s/\\s/\\n/g | sed s/.txt//g | sed s/,//g > ImageSets/train.txt

Add lib/datasets/yourdatabase.py

You need to add a new python file describing the dataset we will use to the directory $PY_FASTER_RCNN/lib/datasets, see inria.py. Then the following steps should be taken.

  • Modify self._classes in the constructor function to fit your dataset.
  • Be careful with the extensions of your image files. See image_path_from_index in gaze.py.
  • Write the function for parsing annotations. See _load_gaze_annotation in gaze.py.
  • Do not forget to add import syntaxes in your own python file and other python files in the same directory.

Update lib/datasets/factory.py

Then you should modify the factory.py in the same directory. For example, to add gaze database, we should add

from datasets.gaze import gaze
gaze_devkit_path = '$PY_FASTER_RCNN/data/gaze_devkit'
for split in ['train', 'val']:
    name = '{}_{}'.format('gaze', split)
    __sets[name] = (lambda split=split: gaze(split, gaze_devkit_path))

NB : $PY_FASTER_RCNN must be replaced by its actual value !

Adapt the network model

In this example, we will use the model VGG_CNN_M_1024 with alternated optimizations (alt opt). First, you should adapt the solvers in $PY_FASTER_RCNN/models/VGG_CNN_M_1024/faster_rcnn_alt_opt/

NB : If you want to use the end2end method, refer to https://huangying-zhan.github.io/2016/09/22/detection-faster-rcnn.html.

$ cd $PY_FASTER_RCNN/models/
$ mkdir gaze_model/
$ cp -r pascal_voc/VGG_CNN_M_1024/faster_rcnn_alt_opt/ gaze_model/

It mainly concerns with the number of classes you want to train. Let's assume that the number of classes is C (do not forget to count the background class). Then you should

  • Modify num_classes in 'RoIDataLayer' layer to 'C'
  • Modify num_output in the cls_score layer to 'C'
  • Modify num_output in the bbox_pred layer to '4 * C'

In our case we have 12 classes (including background):

$ grep 12 models/gaze_model/faster_rcnn_alt_opt/*.pt
faster_rcnn_test.pt:    num_output: 12
stage1_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    param_str: "'num_classes': 12"
stage1_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    num_output: 12
stage1_rpn_train.pt:    param_str: "'num_classes': 12"
stage2_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    param_str: "'num_classes': 12"
stage2_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    num_output: 12
stage2_rpn_train.pt:    param_str: "'num_classes': 12"

$ grep 48 models/gaze_model/faster_rcnn_alt_opt/*.pt
faster_rcnn_test.pt:    num_output: 48
stage1_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    num_output: 48
stage2_fast_rcnn_train.pt:    num_output: 48

Build config file

The $PY_FASTER_RCNN/models folder must be specified by a config file as in faster_rcnn_alt_opt.yml

$ echo 'MODELS_DIR: "$PY_FASTER_RCNN/models"' >> config.yml

NB : $PY_FASTER_RCNN must be replaced by its actual value !

Launch the training

In the directory $PY_FASTER_RCNN, run the following command in the shell.

$ ./tools/train_faster_rcnn_alt_opt.py --gpu 0 --net_name gaze_model --weights data/imagenet_models/VGG_CNN_M_1024.v2.caffemodel --imdb gaze_train 


--net_name is the folder name in $PY_FASTER_RCNN/models
(nb: the train_faster_rcnn_alt_opt.py script will automatically look into the /faster_rcnn_alt_opt/ subfolder for the .pt files)
--weights is the optional location of pretrained weights in .caffemodel
--imdb is the full name of the database as specified in the lib/datasets/factory.py file
(nb: dont forget to add the test/train suffix !)

If you're sshing to the server, use screen to keep process running if connection drops unexpectedly.

Testing Py-Faster-RCNN

Run this line to test your model:

$ ./tools/test_net.py --gpu 0 --def models/gaze_model_end2end/test.prototxt --net output/faster_rcnn_end2end/train/vgg_cnn_m_1024_gaze_end2end_iter_20000.caffemodel --imdb gaze_val --cfg experiments/cfgs/faster_rcnn_end2end.yml 

Train with end2end method

1. Rename the layers

In the test.prototxt and the train.prototxt files, rename "cls_score" and "bbox_pred" to different names. For example,

name: "cls_score" -> name: "cls_score_object"
name: "bbox_pred" -> name: "bbox_pred_object"

If you are using find and replace, include the quotations!

2. First fine tuning

The purpose of first fine-tuning is to get a caffemodel which has two outputs at final fully-connected layers.

./tools/train_net.py --gpu 0 --weights data/faster_rcnn_models/VGG16_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel --imdb gaze_train --cfg experiments/cfgs/faster_rcnn_end2end.yml --solver models/gaze_model/solver.prototxt --iter 0

3. Rename layers back

Rename the layers back to the original name from step 1.

4. Delete cache

Before training on your new dataset, you may need to check $FRCN/data/cache to remove caches if necessary. Caches stores information of previously trained dataset. It may cause problem while training.

5. Second fine tuning

This fine-tuning should train models for our final use. The pre-trained model in this stage is the model we saved in stage 2.

./tools/train_net.py --gpu 0 --weights output/faster_rcnn_end2end/train/gaze_faster_rcnn_iter_0.caffemodel --imdb gaze_train --cfg experiments/cfgs/faster_rcnn_end2end.yml --solver models/gaze_vgg16/solver.prototxt --iter 10000

Use https://huangying-zhan.github.io/2016/09/22/detection-faster-rcnn.html as reference