
Primary LanguageElixir

Metricman Build Status

It is just meta package which depends on Feuerlabs/exometer_core, travelping/exometer_influxdb and configures some VM metrics:

  • Erlang release version number
  • BEAM start and uptime
  • Port information
  • Processes information
  • Processors information
  • Garabage collection
  • I/O
  • Memory usage
  • Scheduler usage

You can see the created metrics in config/config.exs. Note that the metrics are only created. If you want to expose them via a reporter then you need to subscribe to them from within your application.

Dependencies tree

`--> travelping/exometer_influxdb
     `--> Feuerlabs/exometer_core
         `--> basho/lager
         |    `--> DeadZen/goldrush
         `--> uwiger/parse_trans
         |    `--> uwiger/edown
         `--> eproxus/meck
         `--> boundary/folsom
         |    `--> boundary/bear
         `--> uwiger/setup
         |    `--> uwiger/edown
     `--> benoitc/hackney
         `--> benoitc/erlang-idna
         `--> benoitc/mimerl
         `--> benoitc/metrics
         `--> certifi/erlang-certifi
         `--> deadtrickster/ssl_verify_hostname
`--> ferd/recon


  1. Add metricman to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do
        [{:metricman, github: "xerions/metricman"}]
  2. Ensure metricman is started before your application:

    def application do
        [applications: [:metricman]]
  3. Include the metricman configuration to your config.exs:

    try do 
        import_config "../deps/metricman/config/config.exs"
        _  in _ -> :skip
  4. And you can add your own exometer reporter in your config.exs:

    config :exometer_core, :report,
        reporters: [
            {:exometer_report_influxdb, [{:protocol, :http},
                                         {:host, "localhost"},
                                         {:port, 8086},
                                         {:db, "exometer"},
                                         {:tags, [{:region, :ru}]}]}

    or for InfluxDB you can use conform config:

    influx.db =
    influx.tags = node:node_name,region:de
    influx.batch_window_size = 50

    See this for more information about configuring the reportes plugins.