This repository contains SDL2-2.0.12 runtime library at root directory. You can replace it at your will. Latest version of SDL2 runtime can be found in link below.
*Setup for Windows user. Download MinGW and install it. Download SDL development libraries(MinGw version) and copy "x86_64-w64-mingw32" folder and overwrite {Your Mingw64 "x86_64-w64-mingw32" folder} which can be found in your MinGW Installation path.
You can find more detailed description with screenshots from "VScode+SDL2 configuration tutorial" reference below. But you don't need to create tasks.json, launch.json and c_cpp_properties.json files yourself. I already setup them. Just replace the commented lines with your own MinGW paths.
*Haven't setup with MacOS, but you could easily find it elsewhere.
Press F5 on Vscode. Debug will be run based on .vscode settings.
Copy source codes from examples and paste in src path or just run in example folder.
Examples are following "How To Make A Game In C++ & SDL2 From Scratch!" which is showing how to build BirchEngine.