How to make this code 'do a thing'

Things you need:

  • A compiler and Windows SDK
    • If you already have Visual Studio (any flavor will do), ensure the 'Desktop development with C++' (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools) workload is installed.
    • If you do not have Visual Studio, you can use the buildtools installer to keep things lightweight and free. Save the vs_buildtools.exe file somewhere you can easily get to it. Instructions for how to run this are located here. Just be sure to install the workload from above.
  • a text editor like VS code.

How to compile:

From a Developer Command Prompt for VS (Look in your start menu, or run <VS Install Path>\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat) with your working directory at the base of this repository, call cl.exe filename.cpp to produce an executable. Running the result is just as simple, just run the produced .exe

Good luck!