
A json file for mapping iOS device identifiers to some human readable equivalent.


It doesn't seem worth putting this in a package manager (yarn, gem, pip). Instead just download the file to somewhere in your own repo .

curl > ios-device-identifiers.json

If somone would find it really important, could add a version string (timestamp) in this file. That would make the process of releasing slightly more work.


Please make a PR for any new devices I miss, or any errors.

If you have time/energy you could double check that the file is valid json before submitting, but travis will check this anyway so don't stress if not:

yarn add jsonlint --dev
yarn run jsonlint ios-device-identifiers.json

To convert a gist in .txt format


export RAW=
curl $RAW >  ./ios-device_identifiers.txt
bin/  ./ios-device_identifiers.txt

and then review


Many thanks to PRs from:

  • @pschmidtboeing

Many thanks to the various gist-maintainers: