
Scriptable Xposed Module

Primary LanguageJava


The first scriptable xposed module, provides a new way to change the application behavior.

Powered by Lua and made with ♥


  • Lua scripting
  • Simple and intuitive hook API
  • Share your package with others by publish it at WeiJu2-Scripts


How to write a hook?

-- You can import any java
local Toast = import("android.widget.Toast")
local Activity = import("android.app.Activity")
local Bundle = import("android.os.Bundle")
local StringBuilder = import("java.lang.StringBuilder")

hook {
  class = Activity,
  returns = void,
  method = "onCreate",
  params = {
  after = function(this, params)
    -- This will call the `StringBuilder(CharSequence seq)` constructor
    -- to instantiate a StringBuilder object
    local sb = StringBuilder("Hello, ")
    Toast:makeText(this, sb:toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT):show()
    --              ^
    -- Note: `this` is the Activity instance

How to modify class fields?

-- With the `import` function you can bind any java class, and access all the fields and methods that defined
-- in that class. No more `XposedHelper.setStaticObjectField(Build.class, "DEVICE", "coral")` much cleaner!
local Build = import("android.os.Build")

Build.DEVICE = "coral"
Build.PRODUCT = "coral"
Build.MODEL = "Google Pixel 4XL"
Build.BRAND = "google"
Build.MANUFACTURER = "google"

How to import a package?

require("ikws4.system_variable").setup {
  -- configs goes here

How to create a package?

A basic package template:

  return {
    name = "my_package",
    author = "you",
    version = "1.0.0",
    description = "Describle your package"

local config = {

local M = {}

M.setup = function(opts)
  config = table.extend(config, opts or {})

return M

Want to share your work with others? Create a PR at WeiJu2-Scripts.
