Getting Started

Start Sonarqube executing in a terminal:

docker-compose up -d

Sonarqube Project Configuration

Open in a browser the address http://localhost:9001/.

Login with admin user and admin pasword.

The first time we start, we've not projects, so a screen title "How do you want to create your project" is shown.

Select card Manually.

Enter a project display name, a project key, and select main branch name.

At screen How do you want to analyze your repository select Locally.

Press the button Generate to generate a project token. Take note of the token and press Continue. At step 2, select Maven.


Press Copy to copy the mvn command shown. e.g:

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=Mutation-testing-demo \ \

Add exclusions

Go to menu Administration and select Analysis Scope at the left menu.

Add to source file exclusions: **/DemoApplication.* to exclude Spring Boot Application.


NOTE: Jacoco already sets the exclusion, and it works by command line, but it's ignored by SonarQube.

Add piTest Sonarqube plugin

Go to Administration > Marketplace. Press button I understand the risk.

Search pitest. After the plugin is shown, press Install button.


Click Restart Server to install the plugins.

Go to Quality Profiles in SonarQube. There are two profiles available in the Java section. One profile Sonar Way, which is the default profile and one profile Mutation Analysis.

Click the Sonar way profile and open Settings menu. Choose Extend.


Give a name like Sonar with mutation and press Extend.

At left card press Activate More.


Click the MutationAnalysis repository and the Ready status.


We'll see all rules related with mutators. Press top button Bulk Change and activate in the profile we've created (e.g: Sonar with mutation).

More or less 35 rules are activated.

Navigate again to Quality Profiles, go to the Java section and set the created profile as default.


At the pittest maven configuration section of pom.xml add a configuration so the output format is xml (so Sonarqube can understand the results):



Command line

Using command line we can execute and see reports:

mvn clean install

Open in a browser the file target/site/jacoco/index.html to see the Jacoco Coverage Report. Open in a browser the file target/pit-reports/index.html to see PiTest report.


Execute the command generated in SonarQube project creation.


mvn clean verify sonar:sonar \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=Mutation-testing-demo \ \

Go to tab Measures and select left menu option Mutation Analysis.

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider:

Sonar token: sqp_b7c45eb17cdfe71a5a1a92beb96abf4f56f6d52a

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar