
Bolo game based on Stuart Cheshire's work

Primary LanguageC

BoloWeb v0.8
©1996 Pavani Diwanji <pavani@CS.Stanford.EDU>

BoloWeb gives you a web view of the ongoing Bolo games on the internet.
It is a background macintosh server application, which receives input queries from
the HTTP server, gets the most current bolo game list from the BoloTracker and 
and hands back to HTTP server a bolo game list in HTML format.

Default Bolotracker used by BoloWeb is Matt's tracker running at bolo.usu.edu:50000.
You can change the tracker to be consulted by changing the BWeb resource,
as long as the output of the tracker you use has the same format as Matt's

BoloWeb is freeware. Providing that you acknowledge my authorship, 
you may distribute it any way you like, or do anything else with it, 
including producing derivative works from the source code. 

If you do find any bugs in the release, please drop me an email with
Subject line containing keyword BoloWeb.


Pavani Diwanji.