
This script toolbox is created to backup/restore files/config on Debian/Ubuntu OS.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


xbackup, xrestore and its child scripts are created to backup/restore files/config on Debian/Ubuntu OS.

Run xbackup -h and xrestore -h for usage.

The toolbox contains

  • backup*: Backup system/user packages, dconf, files, bins...
  • restore, install, configure*: Restore system/user packages, dconf, files, bins...
  • other utils

The backup_files.list likes below


/home/pax/abc 123


blank space in path is allowed.

Unhappily, when restore, the script will not choose the newest backup file, but you should copy the wanted backup file from backup dir to data dir. Refer to restore* script for more detail.

xrsync is created to synchronize files from one place to another.

Run xrsync -h for usage.

If xrsync uses arg -f, you can specify one list file. The format likes backup_files.list above.

License: MIT